Exclusive to The Rantings of a Madman, interview with Pipi, lead performer of Pipi's Pretzels
BSJ-Rom: Pipi, thank you for your Eurovision appearance and
performance as part of Pipi's Pretzels.
Pipi: You're welcome. It is such pleasure to perform to my fans.
BSJ-Rom: I would like to get a little background on you and who you really are
First, I have heard rumours that you used the same surgeon as Princess
Mary in Denmark, could you describe her procedure?
P: Ya well it is a very secretive procedure, you know? It was very
painful part of life for me and I don't wish to speak too much about. I
am sure Mary feels the same way. It can be described as you Ozzees like
to say "the full kit kapoodle"? Ya?
BSJ-Rom: I understand that you may not wish to talk about your own
complicated medical history, but I can't help but ask, did it hurt?
P: Ya, I must correct you there. I don't really like to say I have
complicated medical history. I have always been woman in my mind and
being born as man was only a minor hiccup in my life. Now I can
concentrate on being truely woman...(long pause) but ya...it did hurt. I
could not sit down for many weeks.
BSJ-Rom: This really cuts to the heart of who you are as a person.
Now, the song you performed, when did you realise that Europe loves Pipi?
P: When I moved from Budapest to Soho in London... I was loved... many
times there. It was about that time I realise that Europe is in love with
me. That is what "True Fantasy" is all about ya?
BSJ-Rom:Why do they love you so?
P: Because of the music I bring to people's heart. I am single-handedly
responsible for overthrowing communism in Hungary. Quite big achievement
ya? Also my clothes...I am quite loved as fashion experimentalist around
the big euro cities.
BSJ-Rom: Do you someday hope that being a gender reassigned person will one
day be the norm?
P: Ya well it is now quite normal in Europe. I notice Ozzees... quite
primitive when it comes to accepting these things. I am planning to start
a Pipi political party here in Hobart to make people more aware of these
issues. It is my dream one day to have an entire country - a Pipitopia,
if you will, where temporary-man women can live without prejudice.