Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Young Australians without Goals (YAGs) by bsj-rom

Four finalists of the Young Australian of the Year 2007 competition were in Tasmania, completing the final leg of their tour. They spoke to a group of schools at the university's "University Club". I was invited along by the engineering Head of School. He was invited along because one of the finalists was an engineer.

Darren Lomman is a mechanical engineer who runs an organisation that makes stuff for people with disabilities. His passion for motorbikes and a chance encounter with a paraplegic ex-rider inspired him to build a motorbike for paraplegics for his final year engineering project. The project took him three years to complete. His organisation has since built a hovercraft, a yacht and an abseiling wall, recruiting various students to run the organisation - particularly engineering students to complete design work.

Having endured a couple of hundred rejections for sponsorship, he finally got one company to donate parts, and then another, until thirty companies agreed to sponsor the project, as well as the university - who originally was very skeptical about the idea.

John from the ACT was another of the finalists. He is a quietly spoken father of three. At twenty-five, he's got a lot to offer - despite never getting through highschool.

John's story begins in a broken home, with a mother who drank too much. He started smoking and drinking at the age of twelve. From there he got involved with heavier drugs and doing crime. He was in jail and recalls seeing his girlfriend pregnant with their second child. This, he thought, was crap. It was crap that he couldn't even give her a hug.

When he got out, he decided that this wasn't the life for him, and was worried about brothers and cousins heading down the same road. He set up an organisation called Connections. The idea of Connections is that young people are the best people to educate young people.

It was interesting talking to him afterwards about education. I come from the position of never even considering not going to university. He came from the position of never considering starting college. In his circles, going to college was unheard of - the girls would get pregnant, so they'd have to go get a job. The blokes would also have to drop out to work. Or do drugs.*

This education gap has been noticeable to me for a little while now. One of my colleagues in George Town was ecstatic because his son had been accepted into university - the first in his family. I also found it interesting in highschool. New students would come and they'd look at what we were doing and say that they'd covered that content in years previous. There was this seeming deficiency in the schooling system. Despite this, plenty of us have progressed on to uni without any fuss.

The upshot of it is that I really don't know what to make of that educational gap.

The other thing was that they were all going on about how crap they were academically - the engineer was going on about how they wouldn't have let him in to uni had he come through today. They were all going on about how academic ability has nothing to do with it. While not being the sharpest knife in the drawer, I certainly outperformed these finalists academically, which left me thinking "WHY THE EXPLETIVE DID I BOTHER?" Nobody's been able to give me a worthwhile answer to date. Some say it's good preparation. I'm not convinced. I'm more of the opinion that it was poor prioritisation.

All of the speakers were really goal driven. They had something that they could see and that they had to get to.

What is my goal? I can write down whatever I like, but I'm just not convinced of it. I don't know what I want. Does it matter what I want?

So, I want to graduate with Honours. Preferably with really good marks.
I want to be different. But everybody's different, so I'm screwed on that front.
I want my work to be useful, creative and excellent.
I want to write.
I want to ask questions.
I want to play music.
I want to run around.
I want to be the best.
I want to umpire the best.
I want to have fun.
I want to just waste time with my friends.
I want to be creative.
I want to make people think.
I want to have a big impact on the world, preferably for better.

So in all of this, you're probably asking me where God is in all this. I was thinking the same thing. What is God's plan for me? If only I knew. My aim and purpose: to bring glory to him. That's a particularly noble ambition, but it's pretty meaningless on its own. It lacks definition. I can see the another chicken/egg dilemma. But I believe in creation, so it was definitely the chicken.

Anyway, you've come to the end of an epic ramble only because it's dinner time and I haven't had lunch...

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

How I met Anise: A Pictorial Representation to Episode 7

Pic courtesy of Erica.
Josh has redeemed himself.

Monday, August 27, 2007

How I met Anise: Status Update

I have engaged in discussions with my co-contributor.

He is feeling that the pressure of producing a daily serial is too much.

He is also concerned that he might overdose on creative juices. I agree with him that this would be a horrific death.

As a result of this, it has been agreed to update only once a week. We may consider screening reruns in the future...

But the call is still out for budding (or budded) artists to produce illustrations.

Brother Saint Jerome

I got up, then I had breakfast. After that I brushed my teeth and had a shower...

Well, a weekend has been and gone.

It was, of course, filled with all sorts of shenanigans.

Friday, I was feeling really really awful after having to get up at a decent hour having had dinner at twenty past one that morning. So Friday evening Nick Hofman and I went to the Drysdale bar - Naomi was serving, so we had to go give her a hard time. Very reasonably priced drinks. Good times.

Then I went back to uni til about 10:15. Then I went to Lisbon Bar to catch some jazz - Randal Muir on Hammond, Al Dobson on sax (tenor and alto), Gillan Gregory on guitar, trumpeter, whose name I have forgotten, drummer, whose name I never knew, bongos/vocals, whose name I never knew. I've probably offended someone even more by forgetting an instrument. Alas, nobody reads this, so that's not the end of the world. (My apologies to anybody who does actually read this.) Either way, I was home by half eleven.

Saturday was the day of the elimination final: Hobart v New Norfolk at Boyer - New Norfolk only won by 59 points. Had three boundary umpires, which was nice, but I was still exhausted by the end of it. The other two guys took pretty good care of me, thank goodness. It wasn't overly quick, it's just that it was constantly moving, so you couldn't really get any quality recovery time. Oh well, got through. Didn't bugger up.

Sunday was productive - I went to church - had to do powerpoint after a latish message on Saturday night. Then went round Mark's place and started watching shooter again. Having gotten about halfway through Rob and I went to watch the girl's soccer - I'm convinced that they need a big preseason with lots of speed work... either way, I spent most of the time practicing my bouncing and my football juggling skills. Work at uni ensued for a couple of hours (successful hours they were) and I just got back at about twenty past five and got a message saying that I would again need to do powerpoint at church. So I did that.

After church I managed to get some sax prac done before reading some more of the old Quid and Harmony...

Sunday, August 26, 2007

How I met Anise: Part 7

In this episode, Anise and my lack of common sight becomes evident. I am narrating:

But I failed to heed as my retinas had failed to reform. I walked with a cane and gradually learnt to whack those igneous corn cobs in a dubiously unintentional fashion. The Pertl-meister, however, would never believe that I was blind, mad and madly blind and blindly mad, he couldn't believe that one of my other personalities was completely sane, and that a third personality was quite melancholy. It was unfathomable... but it was true.

Next time on How I met Anise: Anise bumbles into a random soliloque...

Thursday, August 23, 2007

How I met Anise: Part 6

So where are we now? We have come from McNugget's defeat and the saving of a lass. Today, Anise explains in vivid detail the effect of the VHS and penguin activity... not to mention a little personification and pontification coming from the voice of a much maligned corn cob.

Over to Anise:

Twas soon after that signs of prosperity came to bear, with penguin activity at its highest in 30 years, humanity again rejoyced as it had done when VHS pushed forward victotious over its arch nemesis BETAMAX. The soft slew moisened unto a gooses hoof as the mist rolled in and again the children watched as cans of corn lay awake in the blistering sun, "i am...i am". Smear my face in butter and sculpt the word "superflous" out of igneous rock, whilst hailing the rowcroft and its inhabitants.

Stay tuned for Episode 7: Anise and I don't quite see eye to eye...

Josh did a crap job

Josh (of Josh n Geo fame) blogged about my hair and did a really crap job. I don't know if he updated it to make it not crap or not, but it was disappointing.

Either way, it got cut. My naked ears shudder in the brisk air. My bottom lip quivers as I realise what I have now parted with.

I walk past mirrors and simply do not recognise myself anymore.

Anyway, that's today's goss. Except for the cops at the chem lab - but you'll have to buy me a beer for me to reveal what happened there! Ok, it'll probably get plastered over the news, and they'll say it far more succinctly than I ever would. So listen to that and get off your freakin computer. Save the trees. Kill the carrots and mutilate the swedes. Do not... I repeat, do not lay a tonsil on the cabbages.

I'm going to Boyer to umpire the SFL Premier League Elimination Final between New Norfolk and Hobart. It will be fun. We have three boundary umpires, so we have less work to do. Finals footy is great. I'm excited.

And my debut in the field is next Friday when I umpire the law v engi footy game. Good times.

Ok, to work...

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Another rejection

I got the email from DMO today saying that we regret to inform you that we cannot offer you a position...

So I called up some place down here in Kingston and they seemed pretty keen to give me a trial - but it's a bit daunting... they want somebody with hands on experience and practical nouse. To be perfectly honest, I don't have heaps of hands on experience at all - but I generally learn relatively quick, so maybe it'll be ok. Pray for me if you would. Anyway, I'll hear from the guy again next Thursday or so.

In other news, I have been invited to hear the Young Australian of the Year Finalists speak at the University Club. So that is very cool. Apparently the Head of School was invited and told he could invite a student or two because one of the finalists is an engineering student (WA entrant), so I got the call up. So that was a bit out of the blue.

Anyway, I should be off reading Smithy's book, but, alas, I am blogging. But it's quarter past eleven and I have a nine am start, so nighty night everybody.

And stay posted for episode six of "How I met Anise". Speaking of that, we were interested in getting some caricatures and illustrations for it, so if anybody is feeling that way inclined, let me know. The caricature may be changing - I think I might be getting a hair cut. Not sure.

How I met Anise: Part 5

In Part4 Anise introduced ye faithful to McNugget. In this episode, acts of heroism abound, as I continue proceedings:

Interestingly, I did not make the direct link between Anises' frontal area and that of McNugget, even with hindsight I cannot consider it. However, it was not the tea cosie that was judging. Alas, no, it was a lass. She judged us, whilst writhing in the arms of McNugget himself. Fortunately, I could hear the grunts of the old man and my recourse was to do the manly thing, using Anise's eyes, my arms and his legs to beat him around the posterior with a pin-striped suit, all in a bid for vanity, and to save the wretched dame from McNugget's overgrown fingernails and bellybutton fluff.

Stay posted for the penguins...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

How I met Anise: Part 4

In this episode we see our heroes failing to put their powers to good use, leaving the coal industry to pick up the tab...

As I considered bygones, I noted that:

The fundamental element of our "clicking" was, is and has always been a common flaw: the flaw of over-competence, competence to change the world and leave it, different, some would say unusually sexier, or romantic, or just plain hot. Some people attribute this to an increase in greenhouse gases. But here it is, I reveal the truth: our combined hotness is the cause of global warming...

Whereas Anise was far more positive in his reminiscences:

I collect Molesks therefore i am..are the words of sir richard mcnugget who professed his love for irony at the age of 5 when his body began to undergo a unique transformation "i feel like a man...but my subtle breasts beg to differ". Spasmodamorphism..The transforming power of spastic thoughts or movements. Why doth the tea cosie silently judge me..

Stay posted for Part 5 where we see us put McNugget back in his place and finally see some good come out of the absurd...

Monday, August 20, 2007

How I met Anise: Part 3

The story isn't quite as simple as one would expect. Not at all. In this chapter we see: ...shock horror... DIGRESSION. But not a complete digression, for we see the sustenance of our heroes:


But the bsj-rom-meister, with superpowers, is better sated with a baked lemon cheesecake, with lyger nail shavings... but again, we digress.

Stay posted for Part 4...

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Ok, the book launch

Right, the book launch... lots of people were there. There was wine provided. Dear old Mr Smith has 4000 books to sell and he would have gotten rid of a few that night. He read chapter three out for us, which was delightful... don't get me started on flimsy negligees. Trash, I tell you, trash... (That's an in joke - having read the first four chapters, it looks like I will actually make it to the end of this book! To be in on the joke, you have to read the start of chapter 3, and then you'll realise how lame I really am.)

Then there was the short doco on where the cash is headed. Ethiopean hospitals for women with fistula. That was quite a confronting video. Then there was Mr Isham's (They're all Mr and Mrs, cos they were my school teachers, anything else would be weird...) review. There were a few nasty little puns... but it was all a wonderful evening with lots of friends some whom I hadn't seen for a little smidgen.

In other news, Michael made it through the novel (Ant and mine) and has given pleasant feedback. I'm still waiting for the real stuff... but comments like, "It wasn't amateurish" were much appreciated - they have done no end of good to my already over-inflated head, hang on, no, it's just hair... that's right, still no hair cut.

Another fantastic weekend ends. Sob. Sigh. Another week to recover from it...

Saturday, August 18, 2007

How I met Anise: Part 2

Anise reminisced on those breathless moments as follows:

We then confided in each other while riding ligers (lion/tigers bred for their skills in magic) only to find ourselves embracing a giant mound of broccoli that sat there silently judging our courtship. The night ended when a loaf of bread that had leprosy found its way into the pants of a large Italian man rendering him incapable of reproducing as a result of appendage loss.

However I was not disillusioned. No sir! This was but the beginning of the beginning.
I recalled that:
This would have been quite off-putting, but, alas, my retinas weren't working real well. So, I continued to eat, in fact, I began eating the lyger while I was riding it, not to mention the broccoli. This is the source of my powers.

Book launch snippet

Book launch was tops. I have written permission from the author to rent out my copy to recoop my funds... My advice is just buy your own, cause it's the first 4 chapters have already flown by...

More details will follow...

Friday, August 17, 2007

How I met Anise

Part 1
According to Anise:
# We have dated since 2006, got a little serious, and we are still dating.

According to me:
# We met randomly: I think there might have been some alcoholic compound involved, maybe metho, used to clean my glasses, that ended up burning through my retinas, and so we blindly ended up eating together. And we haven't stopped eating since. Serious eating.

Stay posted for Part 2...

EWB: engineering's answer to Medcins sans fronieres

Engineers without borders bbq was this arvo. Five bucks for membership and all you can eat roo burgers and gourmet vegies (I swear there was aubergine there). And there was totem tennis. I fearlessly showed a complete and utter lack of co-ordination. It was fun.

And then there's the book launch tonight. Come support Smithers. Or rather the cause where the proceeds are going. The place should be packed. Should be good times.

And now, I should go and work...

Actually I have just had a brainwave for a new set of posts... I'll see what I can muster.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Nuclear Energy

My mate Berko was discussing the fart equivalent of a nuclear bomb. Apparently farting for 6 years continuously, you would release the equivalent amount of gas as a nuclear bomb...

Ah, the power. I think we need to harness it for positive energy rather than bad.

But nuclear energy doesn't contribute as much to the greenhouse effect.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

It's done. Time for a sleep in.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Sunday night shenanigans

Well, I was up all night carting Alan G, Josh and Geo around (not to mention my own portly frame - I think somebody called me fat yesterday, or it might just be that I had fast food thrice this weekend). We went to Mt Stuart lookout, Marieville Esplanade, Dominos, Salamanca, the Bakehouse, outside Henry Jones Art Hotel, the top of the Grand Chancellor and the Cenotaph. Alan got solid footage at all these places (except Dominos). Somehow the school of Fine Arts let him take their 5-6grand hi def video camera. Unbeknownst to them, I was driving...

But we got back all in one piece and very much appreciated the comfort of dad's car!

It was also strange, I had footy training with guys from church. And dad says, "you might as well take my car". It was a mess, muddy, wet and wonderful. Why would dad let me take his car? It makes no sense. But either way, the Eagles won, so I am beastly careless about much of life at the moment. Ok, so that's not quite true, but it sounds emphatic.

Mum started platting my hair... or at least she did one plait and gave up. It was an 11cm long plait. I reckon that would be a pretty cool hair style - not quite dreadlocked, but similarly funky. Mums have such wonderful ideas some times. If I get fit, (as in fit enough for VFL, so I'm actually good enough to get a game), it would all have to come off. I'm getting kind of attached to my hair in more than just a physical sense. (Josh, I hope I'm not stealing your thunder in blogging about my own hair - you can still update me on wool prices - as long as you don't get confused between wool prices and meat prices).

Anyway, much to do today, and it's already 9am...

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Discourse on a weekend

Twenty-nine FOCUS-ites and affiliates ambled out to the Lea on Saturday afternoon. It was, of course, an enormous amount of fun, though we were a little disappointed that it didn't bucket down, cos that would have been really cool...

My team dominated the first two games before being soundly beaten in the last. The Jolly meister managed to get a gun in that second game that would fire, but wouldn't take fire. So, he should be referred to as Mr Invincible herein.

I spent much time crawling along my belly through light (and at times, heavy) scrub, invisible to the funny-hatted opposition. Unfortunately for me, however, they were also invisible to me. Oh well. Somehow we all escaped injury. Not sure how...

Jonny was convinced that it was only a game - the last one might have been after we had the best of three sewn up, but we weren't going to lose the war!

Following that, a bunch of us went and played Balderdash. Having been a bit of a regular on the Balderdash scene, it was nice to finally get through a full game... and win. (You'd think winning was everything...) Finally getting through a game might be attributed to an absence of certain styles of beverage...

Combined with Balderdash was Blackbooks. What a combination! It is just so hilariously cringeworthy.

Today, I managed to skull 1.25L of ginger beer. It was a solid effort, despite the fact that it was flat. Dirty Bird followed. Surprisingly, I still managed to get through footy training - though I did feel a bit light-headed at various stages.

And for the record, Big Kev (as in Kevin Mitchell, VFL director of Umpires) confirmed the fact that he was quite unimpressed with my hair, and that training twice a week is simply not enough - so I'm simply not fit enough. A good preseason with a mix of quick stuff and long stuff is required. Might have to try training for 800s or something.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Not real busy or anything...

It's Friday afternoon. I have just finished doing another Inventor tutorial. I had a full day seminar with guys teachers from around the state, run by Gary Adderton, my external supervisor - he flew Ian Simms (CEO of Greenspeed) across to address us. He was pretty awesome. And before that I was at Montagu Bay Primary School sanding foam streamline figures with the kids there. I was tired before that and I am tired now, but it has been a great day. And it is only halfway through. Meant to be having dinner at Customs House with Gary and us Honours boys and Ian Simms. And then there's the graduation party for Irene, Chara, Liz and whoever else wants to clebrate...

And then up bright and early to umpire two quarters of the Glenorchy v Lauderdale colts match. While that in itself is not a particular worry, the fact is that I'm running with a couple of absolute whippets in front of the VFL Director of Umpiring. The story went that he told one of the VFL dudes from Lonnie that it might be time for a bit of "Snip Snip" action... alas, the poor bugger had just had a haircut a few days prior. I made the comment to my coach that "Kev's gonna love my hair (not to mention my sweatband!)", to which my coach pondered: "Hmmm, yeah, I was a bit worried about that..."

And then there's the laser skirmish. What to wear... Major conundrum.

Then on Sunday, apparently Nicolas is preaching at Kingston. That's what mum was saying, so I might have to get to church on time for once! It'll be interesting to see what heresies he's got up his sleave! Actually, I think he's a little less controversial than me...

And then there's footy training on Sunday afternoon - if I don't get a call saying "Jerome, can you go and umpire these under 15 elimination final out at Pontville?" Keith faxed through the forms to hire out North Hobart Oval for AFL grand final day. So mark it down on your social calendars: September 29th, 2007, North Hobart Oval, from 10:30am: The Southern Saints take on the might(?) of the North... come to the Arena as the Churches fight it out! (I've almost got the Don King hair.)

Gee, that was rather meaty for a short post...

And I just remembered, on Monday afternoon, I have a meeting to talk about the 10 year strategy of the School of Engineering. I'm looking forward to that. I think it'll be a good chance to appear as somebody with positive ideas about the future, rather than a nagging whinger. There are so many possibilities, so many ways to improve the place.

One of the things I'd like to see more of, is making better use of our lecturers. We have some great lecturers teaching great subjects - but in many cases they're teaching to only 20 people. We could open them up to science students and they could be lecturing to 100 people, we would get better tutorial and tutor allocations and the school of engineering would get some much needed funding boosting.

Secondly, it would be great to get more engineering students into the schools. Those kids at Montagu Bay absolutely loved what we had to say. More of that and it might actually put engineering back on the map as a worthwhile career choice.

And further really good news is that the complaint lecturer has really picked up his game! I was talking to some of the guys doing advanced dynamics with him and they were saying that his latest lecture or two have been excellent. That makes me happy.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Goin the donkey...

Us Christians are a very strange looking bunch. Having just come from the live simulcast of the Rudd v Howard debate and seeing all the funny looking fellas watching (and talking), it was striking that this was no ordinary bunch. The diversity is pretty impressive really.

The debate itself was solid. Rudd got the entertainment votes in the first half of his speech, but the entertainment factor wore off as the coffee worked out of my system... There were quite a few less laughs in the second half of his spiel - but still significantly more than Lil Jonny's all up.

Lil Jonny pointed to a strong economy - it didn't matter where he pointed or which direction he was facing, he was always pointing to a strong economy.

And I don't see Rudd buggering that up too badly.

Lil Jonny's primary criticism of Rudd is that he's just a liberal in disguise is quite ironic. I like Rudd's view that you shouldn't oppose things just for argument's sake. Often there is too much of that in politics, I think.

Lil Jonny was very solid. His personal convictions were rather hazy. He had his two favourite parables - parable of the talents and the good Samaritan. There is such a massive emphasis on money. I don't know... I am reaping the benefits of this at the moment, but it is a bit of a worry. Yes, I worry.

So, because they're both liberals, I feel comfortable voting for either of them. These two guys seem to be capable of Prime Ministering pretty well. I mean if both of them, can, for all intents and purposes, get a whole party of people thinking in the same direction, they're pretty gifted dudes (particularly Ruddy, that a pretty narky labour caucus they usually have down there).

So, (if I can find time) I reckon the next step is to check out the actual candidates, cos both parties seem pretty reasonable (or smooth).

Monday, August 06, 2007


I had a 2hour conversation this afternoon on hoops... possibly not the best use of my time, but it was rather amusing. It was decided that we should start a hoop factory instead of a pulpmill. And we need to start training the kids in the art of all things hoop. We discussed the philosophy of hoops, the theology of hoops and the power of hoops. Hoops are in everything. Anyway, I was meant to be doing my uni work...

Then this evening, I was again hoping to do uni work, but in its stead I helped dad edit his editorial for some newslettery thingo... Being critical is particular important - and we were watching the crappy singers on aus idle at the same time, so the criticisms were coming thick and fast! Always constructive though!

It was quite amusing to see mum and dad happily watching a music show with the TV muted. Admittedly, when they turned the sound back on, I realised that they weren't missing much.

And Mr Smith, my physical science teacher, physics teacher and homeroom teacher is releasing his novel: Quid and Harmony. That's happening not this Friday, but the next. Haven't seen him in too long.

He's a guy that I respect. He would take the time to think about stuff and challenge people with it. Maybe he presented his theories (not his theories so much as theories he was exploring) too strongly, but if you're going to argue something it's hardly worthwhile being half-hearted about it. People won't bother to think if you're not serious (or if you're too serious).

Anyway, that's that plus a little more, give or take.

Friday, August 03, 2007


The "Official Complaint" has finally come to an end, more or less.

The final thing that was negotiated was compulsory SETL (Student Evaluation of Teaching and Learning) surveys for teaching. The university takes them pretty seriously. It will be an important step in creating some element of accountability.

So that's good news.

I just wanna have fun...

Before I do some more work... (I actually did some work and found that you'd have about 3.5kN of force through my drive train, before going to the slightly disappointing dance music society barrel (but there were relatively cheap drinks))

Ok, my formatting is a little unconventional... but check out, an interesting way of huggin them trees.

Did I have anything to add?

I'm going to Oatlands tomorrow and I see the fanclub cos they're playin Dodges... Ok, not making much sense. I'll have fun though.

Montagu Bay Media Circus

Well, it happened. Win, Southern Cross and the ABC all showed. I don't know if I was filmed or what... If so, they might wanna check to see if the camera lens hasn't shattered.

The kids were great - We had a few activities set up. I was in charge of a Hot Wheels track and a radar speed gun. All the kids got right into it. We had relatively small groups and stuff, so that was also good.

It's almost tempting to become a primary school teacher... I mean, they finish at 2:45, and you get to play with Hot Wheels. On the down side: I can't do long division, nor can is my handwriting up to scratch - I never did officially get my pen license.

But we had a really good time. Too much fun. Now I've gotta stop procrastinating and write a thesis and do a design and all that stuff.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

I'm a teacher...

I had psychometric testing for Hydro today. It was a little dodgy - they didn't give me a helluva lot of time to get it done. I found out about it late yesterday and they wanted me to have it done by the close of business today. Too bad if you're busy.

Hydro seems like a good place to work once you're in, but are incredibly tardy in sorting out their interviews and the like. Last year for work experience I would have liked to have worked for them, however, I had a job offer before they had even come close to sorting out times for their interviews. Probably doesn't matter too much.

I went into Hobart College today to talk to the vet engineering students. I introduced them to the Reynold's number: density * velocity * diameter / viscosity. So I mentioned tried to explain that if you have a wind tunnel with air and a water tunnel with water, you can model the same scenario if you hold that Reynold's number constant. It's pretty nifty if you think about it. Unfortunately we never got to do "cool" designs and experiments using it... and the students at HC or at the primary schools don't really need it. What a waste.

Unfortunately, on my sleep in morning (ie tomorrow) I have to be up at the crack of dawn (or 7am, ie earlier than a non-sleep-in morning) to go to Montagu Bay Primary. All the media has been invited. Should be interesting as I mumble through an explanation of aerodynamics... I hear John was struggling to teach high school kids about area, so talking about frontal area reducing drag, and drag being proportional to velocity cubed should go down beautifully.

Anyway, time to go run.