Sunday, September 23, 2007

Saturday Shenanigans

While I should have been hard at work, I was out umpiring the Old Scholars Grand Final. It was a great day, marred only by the fact that a number of the umpires appointed to the match really didn't want to be there, and that Hutchins won by a considerable margin (and the fact that I ran out of puff in the last quarter). So we've got those negatives out of the way... the highlights were: It was a grand final. Grand finals are always fantastic, no matter who's playing. There was a decent crowd. Had a few close calls which made my job difficult. Actually, to say it was challenging puts a better spin on it, so we'll say the close calls made it challenging.

Then we had the dinner afterwards. I ate very well - there was a carvery which I really did take advantage of. I was already feeling under the weather from the game that afternoon, so I was unable to properly appreciate the fine beverages on offer. But it was nonetheless enjoyable. My lack of dancing ability was again brought to the fore... or to the floor... or whatever the expression is...

Justin won a Sherrin, so that means that we have a footy with which to practice our throws over the summer. So that's good.

And I got my end of season review: Not as fit as in previous seasons, but have one of the best throws. I'm not relaxed enough when I run. I think that was about it. "Over the summer the key for you is to get a bit fitter so you can tackle the top 3 spots again." It takes a lot of motivation and mental something or other to spend a summer getting fit... but when you get to that day in September and have made it to that top spot, you do have that large sense of achievement of having achieved your goal. And I won't, God-willing, have uni to worry about next year, so I may even be able to retain some fitness over the course of the season.

Anyway, if you're not involved in umpiring, then you probably have no idea what the expletive I'm crapping on about... you'll get over it.


Blogger Renae said...

It's ok. I don't do umpiring, but I got 2 other things from that post: one was "what the expletive" - that's quite funny, well done :) And the other was the word "shenanigans" which I believe you've used before! Good words.

12:46 pm  
Blogger Michael said...

Glad to hear the final went well.

I'm sure your dancing isn't that bad...

2:29 pm  
Blogger BSJ-rom said...

Mate, you've seen me dance, and you still make that comment. I'm worried Michael...

Renae, the fact that you got two things out of the post, does that make it profoundly meaty, or do you need to have three good points - like any good sermon? (Not sure what the link between sermons and blogging is.)

5:41 pm  
Blogger Michael said...

I don't really remember you dancing, so I suppose I make these comments in a bit of ignorance.

4:30 pm  
Blogger BSJ-rom said...

And there I was thinking that my dancing was unforgettable... hmmph.

10:41 pm  
Blogger Renae said...

Nah, two is good! And there were many more things.. I just mentioned two :)

11:53 pm  

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