Friday, January 18, 2008

Latest news and current affairs

Well, it's Friday. Another week will seamlessly flow into the next. And frankly, I'm happy with that.

Again, this week has featured running. I dare say a few more kms than most weeks, but generally at a slightly lower intensity. I had been struggling with the long rep work, so hopefully the couple of long runs I went on will help to build up the leg strength I need for those long reps.

Anyway, I have my first race since those athletics carnivals. I'm running the opening leg of a 4*100m relay, representing the umpires against various SFL footy teams. As much as I don't want to lose to them, there is a certain realisation that at school I was only ever about fourth or fifth fastest in my house - so I never made the 100m finals at the carnivals. And my training has hardly touched on anything useful for running 100m - other than a few warm up strides. So, nervous times.

In non-running news, I had a lovely birthday on Wednesday. It was all very relaxed. I've also been talking with various people on the job front. Nothing concrete there, but various things do seem to be firming up. But it remains to be seen exactly what the future holds. Thank goodness for God's hands.

We've been catching heaps of squid of late. They taste good. I went out on the boat with dad, and it was hard work trying to find a spot where there wasn't squid. Leaving Kingston Beach, we got over half way to O'Possum Bay before we found a squidless spot. Unfortunately, there weren't any other fish either. So we picked up about 30 squid that day, which makes for a fair bit of squid cleaning - which somehow I managed to avoid on the grounds that I was waiting for a phone call from Rio Tinto.

Anyway, looks like we won't be buying bait for a while...


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