Friday, September 28, 2007


I heard back from David Temby - the guy who made my soprano sax. He called to say that he received the instrument and that even when he played it, it was out between the octaves. So he's changed the neck and tuned it a bit and it is now in tune.

He strongly recommends that I get a new mouthpiece for it though, which means that I need to head north to the big Melbourne smoke to try it out and make a purchase.

Exciting times - and I feel a bit relieved to know that it's not just that I'm a really crap player that I was so far out of tune.

I tried Nick Mollison's French Horn the other day too. Very cool. He looked very perturbed when I took to playing it out of the side of my mouth rather than the front. I played a bit of didgeridoo and I play that out of the side of my mouth, and the technique is similar - except meant to come out of the front of the mouth. I, of course can't cope with all this change.

Feeling inspired to learn trumpet now.


Blogger Michael said...

Becoming a wind aficionado now are we?

11:03 pm  
Blogger Jonny said...

You try to do too many things. Ever seen the movie Rushmore? Watch it and imagine yourself as the main character, and our head of school as Bill Murry.

1:59 pm  
Blogger BSJ-rom said...

Never seen Rushmore. Haven't seen the mount either.

Yes, Michael, I'm gonna take over the world with wind... lots and lots of hot air.

I was also thinking of taking up politics...

3:20 pm  

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