Sunday, May 04, 2008

Saturday Night

Just moved out to South Hobart for a month. Quite a weird experience. May require a bit of getting used to. I'll be settled in after a month and then I'll have to move out.

Went to the end of the fringe festival market last night. I've never seen so many dreadlocks. They were everywhere. But I seemed to be the only one with a decent 'fro. But it fitted in because it was slightly different to the mainstream. Very different culture to what I'm used to. To be honest, I felt uncomfortable. Maybe it was because I didn't have an entourage of friends, maybe it was because everyone looked poor/hippy. Either way, there was something there about a life that I didn't want to live - getting wasted on pot and grog, relying on markets to earn a crust or to buy clothes. In all of that, there's still something else that irked me, and I can't put a finger on what it was.

Then there was the hip hop band afterwards. Had their own unique style. But they were two chicks, who, when it came down to it, were sluts. Not particularly pretty girls, but they sang about controlling their boys. You could say it was about empowerment. But it was about ignoring their sexual history and sleeping with who they liked. Or pulling out excuses if the guy wasn't performing. Again, just a weird world that I have been so sheltered from. A weird world that I don't feel comfortable with, despite my awareness of its existence.

I also learned that it only takes a couple of seconds to smoke a cone. Two drags, and that was it. That was very confronting. Real people having a good time.

I was taught to play backgammon.

In the morning I was on kidz bizz. One kid had a car and was rather distracted. I took the car off him. Mean bugger I am. "I want it back." "You'll get it back." "I want it back now." "So?" "Um." "You think that just because you want something you're going to get it?" "Um..."


Blogger Erica said...

Welcome to South Hobart :)Hope you aren't in the valley cos it gets mighty cold this time of year.

5:55 pm  
Blogger BSJ-rom said...

Cheers! Not sure what the status of our place is. It seems quite sunny, but I still get regular cold feet at night...

4:12 pm  
Blogger Renae said...

Fringe Festival was where? Yeah I think stepping out of your comfort zone is good. It gives you a healthy blast of other people's reality.. seriously, I've seen things here that I forgot existed! And people doing things I didn't imagine people did.. mm hmm, crazy people here!

Wow you sure put that kid in his place. Haha.

6:45 am  

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