Sunday, June 08, 2008

About time for another post

Well, I've just moved back to Kingston after a month in South Hobart.

Good times were had there. I was living with Nomis and his dog-in-law, Darcy. Darcy is a pointer who has far too much energy. Being a placid thing myself, it really did take the word awakening to the next level.

But it was all good. The place was maintained in relative order and our stomachs were always looked after.

Anyway, Nick and Naomi had their wedding for which Phil Price and I were groomsmen. They're married. So I guess it was a success. The speech went well - I think. I wore a box all day - so it was a relief to take it off during the speech. Kinda freaked the bridesmaids out a bit.

What else is new? Hmmm, my sister in law's brother, who is a woodwind guru checked out my sop sax. Gave me a few tips and techniques and pointed out a few adjustments that need to be made to the instrument to get into pristine condition.

And a bit of queen's birthday cleaning tomorrow, methinks.


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