Thursday, December 04, 2008

Dissatifsfied: Third Instalment

At this stage in my blog, I was going to talk myself up, like a CV... I've done this, this and this, and yet I feel really dissatisfied. When I achieve something, I expect to feel a certain sense of accomplishment, and lately, it just hasn't been there. I don't know if I'm talking about the last 10 years or maybe only the last few. I don't think it matters. Yet, I still have that sense of "just missed out" every time I just miss out. It's just not fair to have a sense of failure when you don't succeed, but not have the equivalent sense of success when you do really well. I think I tend to just talk up my enthusiasm. And then, because nobody else really cares, I don't know if I feel rejected, or whether it's just that it saps a large part of the success feeling that I am numb to.

Another consideration is that these things are generally so insignificant in the big picture.

The third consideration is that when someone is interested, I am worried that it is either feigned interest, that I am talking too much, that I am boring them or any other such selfish thought.

I have a lot of time for justice, especially when I've been stung by something. If many people are likely to come after me, I'm there for the long haul. In that sort of thing, I think I'm pretty persistent. But have I had any worthy changes? The odd one, but not much...


Blogger Michael said...

I understand what you mean with 'talking up enthusiasm'. Quite often I don't 'feel' enthusiastic about things when I talk about them, but I end up talking it up to an acceptable level anyway.

5:42 pm  
Blogger BSJ-rom said...

Ah, good (kind of), I'm not the only one!

9:34 pm  

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