Friday, December 26, 2008

Welcome to Boxing Day

Ah, family... for the first time in a little while, we had the whole family together - sister, brother, sister-in-law, mum and dad. Storm cooking was the order of the day for Christmas Eve, while backyard cricket and foosball were the order of the day for Christmas day. Unfortunately, the family couldn't last together for Christmas day with A-S leaving on the 6am flight to Sydney - she had to be back in Redfern in time for her Christmas service. I think they call that commitment.

An interesting point that she made, though, unrelated to anything Boxing Day, was regarding some carols that she was organising. She managed to convince the powers that be that it would be beneficial to fork out a couple of grand to get someone to run the sound for them (including provision of gear). The question "Why can't we just use the Church's gear?" was a regular obstacle, however, she somehow managed to make a good business case or something... Anyway, what I got out of it was the fact that so often we want to just take the cheapest option, when the cheapest option, in this case, would have meant significant increase in stress-levels for all the organisers - having to have a last minute pull apart of the church sound system in the auditorium (there were indoor carols on at the church the night before), trying to reconfigure it outside in trying weather conditions, then the packup. Then there is the issue of poor sound quality - trying to get a system to do what it's not designed to do... So, I'm relieved, for the sake of my sister, that they were able to just hire the gear and someone to run it. This example, in my opinion, is pertinent not simply to sound systems for carols' services.

Anyway, that was a large aside.

So, Christmas, it was fab to catch up with the fam. And then to finally have a Christmas without gale force winds and driving rain. The weather was so good, in fact, that I ended up going out for 9 holes of golf with Ben that evening. Why is it that the more I play the worse I get? I hadn't played in months and ended up playing (crappy) better than I do when I've been bashing at least semi-regularly.

Today, Boxing Day, sees me head to Rob's place for Boxing Day Test Match viewing and a significant amount of backyard cricket. I am looking forward to it.


Blogger mike said...

Hey man. On the issue of outdoor sound you should have a look at this blog out I've been reading.

12:06 pm  

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