Monday, January 12, 2009

Run run run... I'm building up the kms, I'm getting into some strength work. Not quite where I want to be... but I'm heading in the right direction, I think...

Monday and Thursday night sessions are involving a lot of rep work - upwards of 5.5km, which, in the context of typically doing less than 4km, it's a bit of a shock to the system. However, with an increase in rep work is an increase in length of each rep, and thus a decrease in speed. So, we're doing a lot of 800 - 1000m reps. The first catch is that the recovery between reps is rather small - normally around 200m jog. The second catch is the short reps that are thrown in amongst the longer ones or after the longer ones.

For example, tonight, we ran a 1km rep, 200m recovery, 400m rep, 200m recover, repeated 4 times. Doing it on grass, and not being 100% sure of the length of the laps, but assuming they are roughly 400m laps, it all works out more or less. So the 1km reps were all about 3min20 (3min20, 3min10 - pull up a bit short, prob corresponds to 3min15, 3min25, 3min23) and the 400s were in 69, 70, 69, 69. The idea was to run the first and third 100m as a sprint, and the second and fourth 100m as a stride. So I was a bit disappointed that the km reps were inconsistent and a little slow, but was happy with the 400m reps - both consistency and speed.

Anyway, I was feeling a bit sleepy, so maybe I could have been a bit quicker. Another solid session tomorrow with Pete... gonna be another hard week.


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