Sunday, August 12, 2007

Discourse on a weekend

Twenty-nine FOCUS-ites and affiliates ambled out to the Lea on Saturday afternoon. It was, of course, an enormous amount of fun, though we were a little disappointed that it didn't bucket down, cos that would have been really cool...

My team dominated the first two games before being soundly beaten in the last. The Jolly meister managed to get a gun in that second game that would fire, but wouldn't take fire. So, he should be referred to as Mr Invincible herein.

I spent much time crawling along my belly through light (and at times, heavy) scrub, invisible to the funny-hatted opposition. Unfortunately for me, however, they were also invisible to me. Oh well. Somehow we all escaped injury. Not sure how...

Jonny was convinced that it was only a game - the last one might have been after we had the best of three sewn up, but we weren't going to lose the war!

Following that, a bunch of us went and played Balderdash. Having been a bit of a regular on the Balderdash scene, it was nice to finally get through a full game... and win. (You'd think winning was everything...) Finally getting through a game might be attributed to an absence of certain styles of beverage...

Combined with Balderdash was Blackbooks. What a combination! It is just so hilariously cringeworthy.

Today, I managed to skull 1.25L of ginger beer. It was a solid effort, despite the fact that it was flat. Dirty Bird followed. Surprisingly, I still managed to get through footy training - though I did feel a bit light-headed at various stages.

And for the record, Big Kev (as in Kevin Mitchell, VFL director of Umpires) confirmed the fact that he was quite unimpressed with my hair, and that training twice a week is simply not enough - so I'm simply not fit enough. A good preseason with a mix of quick stuff and long stuff is required. Might have to try training for 800s or something.


Blogger Taz said...

Yes I must say that you are getting morbidly obese... time to lift your came I think, my friend.

8:51 am  

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