Thursday, August 09, 2007

Goin the donkey...

Us Christians are a very strange looking bunch. Having just come from the live simulcast of the Rudd v Howard debate and seeing all the funny looking fellas watching (and talking), it was striking that this was no ordinary bunch. The diversity is pretty impressive really.

The debate itself was solid. Rudd got the entertainment votes in the first half of his speech, but the entertainment factor wore off as the coffee worked out of my system... There were quite a few less laughs in the second half of his spiel - but still significantly more than Lil Jonny's all up.

Lil Jonny pointed to a strong economy - it didn't matter where he pointed or which direction he was facing, he was always pointing to a strong economy.

And I don't see Rudd buggering that up too badly.

Lil Jonny's primary criticism of Rudd is that he's just a liberal in disguise is quite ironic. I like Rudd's view that you shouldn't oppose things just for argument's sake. Often there is too much of that in politics, I think.

Lil Jonny was very solid. His personal convictions were rather hazy. He had his two favourite parables - parable of the talents and the good Samaritan. There is such a massive emphasis on money. I don't know... I am reaping the benefits of this at the moment, but it is a bit of a worry. Yes, I worry.

So, because they're both liberals, I feel comfortable voting for either of them. These two guys seem to be capable of Prime Ministering pretty well. I mean if both of them, can, for all intents and purposes, get a whole party of people thinking in the same direction, they're pretty gifted dudes (particularly Ruddy, that a pretty narky labour caucus they usually have down there).

So, (if I can find time) I reckon the next step is to check out the actual candidates, cos both parties seem pretty reasonable (or smooth).


Blogger Renae said...

Wow you were quick to blog about it, we only just got home! Very efficient. I think Kevin's speech was better. He knew how to structure it to get the fun-loving Christians on-side with his jokes, and the more serious ones with his lines such as "I'm acutely conscious of..." Johnny was a bit more "rah rah rah" and didn't get too specific about much at all! Did you find this? He didn't have any big statements to make. He did like his parables though. I agree, they both did a pretty alright job. And my oh my there were some funny ones in the audience, including a few who had to have been asleep!

10:48 pm  
Blogger Taz said...,23599,22218929-2,00.html

Just read the above article. It's the most ridiculous idea. I may even blog about it when I get some time...

All I can say is, he's desperate for the Christian vote.

9:14 am  
Blogger Jonny said...

If you can't decide between between John and Kevin, imagine which party room you would rather be in. A Labour party conference or a Liberal conference? Two years ago it would have been much easier to decide between liberal and labour, and many of the same people are still around.

11:19 am  
Blogger BSJ-rom said...

Renae - I had to do some work at uni (I actually got more done than I was expecting), hence a little bit of procrastination didn't go astray... and yes, Ruddy did have a livelier speech.

Phil - your link seems to have issues.

Jonny - it's called leadership. All of a sudden we're not hearing the moaning going on anymore (though it's probably still happening). It can't be an accident.

A million bucks doesn't seem like much money any more...

3:37 pm  
Blogger mike said...

I agree Kevin is the better speaker. I loved his little "I'm reminded of my friends...." "I'm reminded of my other friends...."

You are right to point out that the answer to every Howard question was "a strong economy."

The solution to world hunger "a strong economy." lol

10:15 pm  
Blogger BSJ-rom said...

Actually Mike, that (world hunger) was the one thing where he said that money wasn't the answer! The cynic would say that it isn't the answer because he wants to keep the money in Australia. I agree with him that the governments over there are, in many instances, quite heinous.

12:38 pm  

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